Freelance Hourly and Daily Rate Calculator

Use this FREE tool to calculate how much money you should charge as a freelancer

I want to calculate:

My hourly rate is

My daily rate is

My annual income would be a year before taxes and expenses

More Information

Deciding how much to charge as a freelancer can be a difficult decision. You want to make sure you're charging enough to cover your costs and make a profit, but you also don't want to price yourself out of the market.

As employees, we're used to thinking about our salary in terms of an annual figure. But as a freelancer, you need to think about how much you want to earn on a daily or hourly basis. This tool will help you do just that.

Use this FREE tool to calculate how much money you should charge as a freelancer. Simply enter your desired annual income, the number of weeks you want to work per year, and the number of hours you want to work per week, and the tool will calculate your hourly or daily rate for you.

Remember, this tool is just a guide. It's important to consider other factors when setting your rates, such as paying taxes and business expenses.

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